2018年6月21日 星期四

Trump. America great again. Mania? A new global order?

I used to write a post regarding Trump and Kim Jun Un more than half year ago. Despite I did not hold positive impression on the two but neither did I have negative comment on them. The recent development and the Trump-Kim(or Kim-Trump if you like) summit demonstrates my view on the two are correct.

Among some seem to be inappropriate administrative orders like the latest custody of the illegal immigrant families with children and parents apart, Trump was bold enough to do things his predecessors, both Republican or Democrat, dared not to do. He really shook the world and casted a new atmosphere in the global affairs.

Yet I am by no means his fan but just trying to be neutral on commenting what he has done, to America and the world. His slogan in his presidential election campaign was America Great Again. In a certain extent, America does stand firmer than it did in most of the international affairs. Whether these measures are correct or not depend on one's standpoint though. One big thing he did it right is that he sees through what mistakes the past administrations made and is bold enough to rectify them, one by one.

Again when I said he did it right is purely from the stand point of an American president whose role is to maximize the interests of the America despite it might at the expense of the other nations. When there is only the choice of a lesser evil devil then he really made a right decision indeed.

His latest controversial action is inevitably the trade war against China and even the U.S.'s allies. It seems he puts the Country against most economies but when trade deficit is mounting and increasing year over year. In America's perspective something must be done to reduce, if not eliminate, it. In fact trade deficit is only a name but he is defending the America's world technological advancement, financial dominance, military leadership and last but not least the U.S. dollar empire. These are the things that he, being an American president, must do yet his predecessors did not. Now he is doing it. Bravo! Donald! Having said so, don't get me wrong that I agree on what he did but I just admire Trump whom is willing to do the dirty jobs that his predecessors failed to.

Kim is another miracle maker. No more than half year ago the North Korea was still an evil nation with all bad names on it but just one summit Kim turned it around. Trump once said Xi Jin Ping is a poker master but if it is not just a compliment then Trump must has overlooked this chubby young man. In my previous post I already commented that Kim is smart to develop the nuclear deterrence to protect his nation (of course his ruling as well). Had he not has nuclear weapons in hand I don't think Trump would spare a second to meet with him. However, more amazingly Kim not only uses nuclear weapons to protect but also to occupy the center of the stage of world affairs. Not only caught billions of eyes on the Summit but Kim will remain an influential person on the topic along the path of denuclearization for quite some time. One will not be surprised to hear his name again and again in the news broadcast.

Kim is also so smart to leverage his influence by partnering with the super powers. By staying close to the U.S. he can demand more aid from China. The frequent visit to Beijing maximizes his bargaining power against the U.S. and having good relationship with Russia is a very good backup card. Kim plays so well among these powers and each of them want so bad to be able to be the boss of this small nation. Who gains most? You bet!

Trump and Kim enlighten the dull world order with a fresh touch. The world affairs became a bit of stagnant in this decade without much changes except the Brexit which once stirred the world in a certain extent but as the process runs into the routine path on operations then the world has lost interest on it already.

I am sure the lovely duo will brighten our eyes with more surprises to come. I also expect their new movements will finally set a new world order too.


