2017年3月18日 星期六

horse racing

I did not realize that it was 3 months ago that I posted my last article. Nothing really attracted me on a new post not until this interesting horse racing.

By nature this is only a low class racing so actually I am not really interested in it but the funny thing is that there is a phenomenon quite contrary to traditional understanding, ie., hard-working pays off. The first fall-off is the one whom drilled most! So this is really a heart-striking result to those whom flatter most. How on earth could this happen? Not even a chance to run! In fact I was a bit surprised to see this result. In another way, it shows that I lack of political wisdom.

Despite there are remaining three horses but it seems quite clear there are only two opponents. 2.0 appears to be hotter than chips. The remaining one? Unfortunately there is no prize for supporting role in this race, sadly.

Be it 2.0 or chips to outrun, all punters are bound to be losers. None of them can really heal the community. Of course 2.0 can do the job in other direction better than can chips. At this point, I am really not interested in which horse will win but I am rather interested in the background of this match. These two horses represent two horse stables in the north pole. I am really keen to know what stables 2.0 and chips come from. This is really a fun thing to see one combats with the other. And successfully reading thru this game could bring substantial benefit.

The common wisdom has pledged themselves on 2.0 but I hold my own view on chips. Not because this horse is more likable but this horse has hidden away for 9 years. There must be something triggered the participation. I mean not the horse per se but the horse trainer in the stable. Anyway, I place my bet on chips. Let's see two weeks later and to unveil my political wisdom again then.


