Two months ago my last post omicron ohmygod! I wrote about the Omicron virus which its hostility to human was still unknown yet by then. Two months passed by luckily it turns out to be a much milder variant but on the other hand highly contagious unfortunately. It became the main culprit of the novel corona virus spreading in the world now. With no exception Hong Kong also is hit by this variant especially after the CNY holiday. The verified infection cases reached a staggering 600+ in straight three days followed by record breaking of 1000+ cases in yesterday. The infection rate grows exponentially as exhibited earlier in the other countries.
The HSAR government, Carrie Lam's administration, rolled out the ever strict measures including closing down businesses or tightening of the numbers of customer in Scheduled Premises. There are 6 newly added premises on top of the existing 17 ones and as usual the catering business is most hit one in terms of the number of businesses as well as the people employed. Having said, the other businesses and their employees are equally hit in this latest measure.
A plague is a natural disaster. It brings damages to people mostly life losses but when the plague is ill-managed the damages from this poorly managed measures could add to the public's woes. Unfortunately poor management seems to be a common symptom of most administrations, Hong Kong is no exception. What's more is that most of the responsible bureaucrats of the public health control are still feeling well and self-contented on their stupid doings. A typical example is Carrie Lam's explanation on her face mask off during the press conference as she wants to let the public to know her emotion. What an idiot and a bullshit! Naturally a bunch of self contented and self-claim elites bureaucrats under the leadership of such an idiot Chief Executive, Hong Kong is doomed to fall into this scenario.
Today there is news that the Central Government expresses its concern on the Hong Kong situation and will extend its assistance. This should be the sign that Beijing has thought enough is enough. It is time to stop Lam's administration further jeopardize Hong Kong's well-being. After all, its China's Hong Kong but not Lam's Hong Kong. As per China's political practices, a regional chief should has been removed long earlier when he/she failed to manage his/her turf properly. It seems Lam's days is numbered.
Oh My God! says Lam.