When the COVID-19 cases in Hong KOng rose to tens of thousand a day and the infection rate doubled in every 2-3 days, apparently people is panic and became a bit of unrational in some behaviour like the buying spree of self-testing kit.
In my post enough is enough I doubt the effectiveness of self-testing kit when Carrie Lam's administration rolled out the idea of sending the self-testing kit to all Hong Kong people as a measure to detect the stealth infected in the community. The reason of my doubt rests on two premises, ie., mis-administered testing procedure leading to wrong result as well as human nature that some people might choose to remain silent even if on the positive result because they just do not want to disclose it due to quite a numbers of personal consideration like no work thus no pay.
The recent buying spree on the self-testing kit does not prove my doubt is wrong. The buyers fall into mainly three categories, the first and very big chunk is that they need a positive test result to keep their jobs valid but the public testing capacity falls short in great extent, the second group is concerned on whether they are infected while the last group is just blind sheep under the herd behaviour. The buying spree demonstrates that the society is in panic state so people overreact on whatever seems to be useful. Naturally Lam's bullshit idea might also put fuel on the fire as well.
Lam does not seem to realize her bull shit idea's problem but even put it to an higher level that the government is building a system to accept the citizens' testing result via the self-testing kit. The incapable secretary of food and health bureau, Sophia Chan, said the System can help the government to evaluate the community infection status thus devising the corresponding measures.
Chan's statement not only is a big joke in light of the drawbacks of Lam's bull shit idea but demonstrate how incapable she is. The result of self-testing kit is highly unreliable which is not the kit per se but due to the uncertainty of people's correct testing procudure like the sampling with swub and the waiting time thus is the result. On the other hand, when any one can tap on the system and input whatever result in it then how trustworthy the findings of this System can be? What reliable insight thus effectiveness measures can be generated when the castle is built on the sand? People should doubt Chan's intelligence in light of her such big joke. Are you kidding, Madam? No wonder Hong Kong fell into such a chao and disastrous situation when the chief responsible official of Hong Kong's health policy is an idiot.
God bless Hong Kong!